Saturday, January 11, 2020

CT Eagles getting their nest ready (yr 4)

Mom & Dad guarding the nest

Still not sitting on eggs but just trying it out for this yr #4

Focused on getting a fish

Leaving the nest for lunch

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Birding along the CT shore

Gull dropping a shell to the rocks below to crack it open and eat the contents. Afternoon sky  a bonus

A not so common banded  ( rt leg)Male Cardinal who is a purist eating seeds from a pine tree, not a feeder

A mocking bird, mocking me as he eats berries from a bush

The ghost ship. Is it floating on water or in the sky...or decide

Immature Red Shoulder hawk on the hunt across a blue winter sky.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Eagle Stevenson Dam CT

We look for food....

We  bank for food......

We dive for food......

We are wild but live among cities & roads....survive ...and reproduce.
Patience before the hunt


Christmas in NYC

NYC Library

St Patricks Cathedral

Rockefeller Center Tree